On Saturday, October 30th, the Knights of Columbus Council 14079 at Holy Spirit Catholic Church hosted our annual complimentary breakfast for the first responders from Soddy Daisy Police Department, Soddy Daisy Fire Department, Dallas Bay Fire and Rescue, Hamilton County Sheriffs, and Hamilton County EMS. Every year, the council shows our appreciation, and the appreciation of the community as a whole, for the men and women who serve as first responders. Our society would not survive without the service of these brave men and women.
We are also privileged to honor a member of each of these departments. This year, our honorees were:
Soddy Daisy Fire Department - Trevor Gravitte
Soddy Daisy Police Department - Odas Smith
Hamilton County EMS - Lt. Alberto Gutierrez
Hamilton County Sherrif - Detective Scott Terry
Dallas Bay Fire and Rescue - Brad Brown
Congratulations to all the award recipients!
We would also like to thank the businesses in the area who supported our First Responders Breakfast
Thank you to everyone who attended and to the Knights and their families for the work preparing and serving the food!