The above chart shows the organizational structure of the Knights of Columbus. An overview of a few key points indicates the importance of this structure.
The Supreme Council is responsible for the development of the organization as a whole, establishing it in new regions and setting up regional authorities, defining and advancing its values and goals, undertaking organization-wide initiatives, promoting awareness of the Knights’ mission worldwide, and protecting the families of members through its extensive insurance program. The majority of the Knights’ beneficial work, however, is carried on by members working in local, or subordinate, councils. Therefore, the organizational and financial structure of the Knights of Columbus plays a vital role in the success of the Knights’ mission.
Grand Knight | Marc Steger | |
Chaplain | Monsignor Al Humbrecht | |
Deputy Grand Knight | Richard Faulker | |
Treasurer | Bob Kirn | |
Financial Secretary | Bob Hanselman | |
Recorder | Mark Clark | |
Chancellor | Rich Rudez | |
Community Committee | Richard Faulker | |
Lecturer | Ken Frische | |
Advocate | Dan Jackson | |
Warden | ||
Life Committee | Kenneth King | |
Faith Committee | Bruce Peters | |
Inside Guard | Bruce Peters | |
Outside Guard | Tom Ywanauskas | |
Trustee #1 | Karl Nesmith | |
Trustee #2 | Kevin Perry | |
Trustee #3 | Kevin Olley | |
Family Committee | OPEN |